10 Reasons You Should Send Direct Mail

October 08, 2018

Direct mail remains a viable way to reach consumers. We have rounded up 10 reasons why you should consider deploying this form of direct selling.

#1: Rising Response Rates

Response rates to company’s house files increased 37% from 2017 to 2018. Response rates from prospects almost tripled compared to a “few years ago,” according to the Data and Marketing Association.

#2: Acquires Attention

In 2017, 52% of U.S. households read direct mail and 21% scanned direct mail.

#3: Customer Confidence

Most consumers find direct mail a trustworthy form of communication.

How much of each generation trusts direct mail:

70% Millennials

77% Generation X

80% Baby Boomers

83% Silent Generation

#4: Preferred Platform

Most U.S. consumers said they preferred to receive updates and promotions from a company in the form of mail.

Which channels consumers prefer to receive regular company updates and promotions:

54% receive in the mail

49% subscribe to receive emails at a frequency the consumer chooses

38% visit company’s website when consumer wants information

28% receive at the physical store

24% subscribe to receive emails at a frequency the company chooses

20% follow on social media

17% receive via text messages

15% download mobile app

9% attend local events

8% prefers not to receive any updates/promotions

#5: Champion Channel

Response rates for direct mail outperformed other channels by a significant amount. In 2017, the response rates by platform were:

5.1% direct mail

0.6% email

0.6% paid search

0.4% social media

0.2% online display

#6: Mail Matters to Millennials

84% of Millennials look through their mail and 64% of Millennials prefer to scan for useful information in mail rather than email.

#7: Affects Affluents

Direct mail is the second highest purchase influencer for affluent purchases ($100,000 or more annual household income).

Paid media that influences affluent purchases:

22% TV ads

21% catalogs, advertising cards or flyers in the mail

15% print newspaper ads

15% magazine ads

13% radio ads

12% social media ads

10% search engine ads

7% smartphone display ads

5% outdoor ads

4% TV product placements

3% ads while viewing online video

3% promotional products (pens, t-shirts)

2% movie theater ads

#8: Big with Baby Boomers

Direct mail is the second highest purchase influencer for Baby Boomers.

Paid media that influences Baby Boomer purchases:

26.2% TV ads

25.66% catalogs, advertising cards or flyers in the mail

16% print newspaper ads

15% magazine ads

12% radio ads

10% social media ads

10% search engine ads

7% smartphone display ads

6% outdoor ads

5% TV product placements

4% ads while viewing online video

3% promotional products (pens, t-shirts)

2% movie theater ads

#9: Spending Spikes

Annual spending on newspaper circulars, coupons direct mail and catalogs increased 85% in the past 5 years. Spending reached $76 billion in 2017.

#10: Peer Pressure

Most marketers think direct mail works.

45% of marketers find it somewhat effective and 1 in 3 marketers find it highly effective.

Service Tags: 
Direct Mail
Direct Mail
Point of Sale
New Neighbor Program